Yi-Li Lee is an Assistant Professor of Institute of Law for Science and Technology of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). She was awarded a Fulbright Scholarship to further explore the judicial strategy to transitional justice and the corresponding contexts in East Asia at Harvard Law School Human Right Program and East Asian Legal Studies. She has a Ph.D. from the College of Law at National Taiwan University, and her academic interests cover a variety of topics, including international human rights law, human rights and emerging technology, international humanitarian law and international criminal law, transitional justice, comparative constitutional laws
Associate Professor Yun-Hsien Diana Lin's research interests are family law, medical law and bioethics, focusing on how new technologies shape the legal landscape and impact the society. Her academic articles appeared in University of Pennsylvania East Asia Law Review, Asian-Pacific Law and Policy Journal, Asian Bioethics Review...etc. Professor Lin is invited to join government commissions that are responsible of amendments to civil code, legal acts and guidelines for technologies. She gives courses for Judicial Academy and Taiwan Bar Association, and is one of the founding members of the Taiwan Family Law Society.

Daw-Wei Wang is professor of Physics Department and adjunct professor of General Education Center of National Tsing Hua University (NTHU). He also serves as the Vice Director of National Center for Theoretical Sciences and the Director of Counseling Center of NTHU. Based on his contribution in theoretical condensed matter physics, he was awarded several national and international prizes, including Ta-You Wu Memorial Award (2008) and Daniel Tsui Fellowship of Year 2008 (Hong Kong University) etc. His recent interest is turned toward the application and development of Artificial Intelligece in various fields, including physics, astronomy, brain sciences, and civil law etc. His recent research can be found in his group website 🔗Artificial Intelligence for Fundamental Research
Professor Von-Wun Soo possesses extensive experience in processing artificial intelligence and law-related documents. Twenty-five years ago, Professor Soo supervised doctoral students to study the natural language of legal verdict documents. Lately, Professor Soo studied the automatic analysis of infringement in patent documents, and trusted third party mediated multi-agent negotiation mechanism using game theory. In recent years, Professor Soo has been principal investigator of the deep learning project on music recommendation in health promotion and story and joke generation for Ministry of Science and Technology.

Chang-hsien (Robert) TSAI (LL.B., LL.M., National Taiwan University; LL.M. in Corporate Law, New York University School of Law; J.S.D., University of Illinois College of Law) is a Professor of Law and Business at National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, where he specializes in corporate law, financial market regulations, and securities regulation. He was admitted to the New York and Taiwan bars. His current research topics can be grouped into two broader tracks: comparative corporate law (including corporate governance and corporate social responsibility) and comparative financial regulation, including consumer financial protection and regulation of emerging financial technology (such as crowdfunding, online supply-chain financing and peer-to-peer lending). His research has received significant funding support from the Ministry of Science and Technology (Taiwan), the Taiwan Stock Exchange, and the Delta Electronics Foundation. He has been an advisor on company law reform in Taiwan.
Dr. Su-Chu Hsu is the dean of College of the Arts and the director of the Research Center for Art and Technology at National Tsing Hua University (NTHUA). Previously she created and built the first Graduate program in Art and Technology at Taipei National University of the Arts (TNUA) in Taiwan and was the first chair. Now she starts and builds the program in Art and Technology of Interdisciplinary Program and in NTHU. She is known for her work in technology art, network art, maker art, and culture and creative industries. She has held FBI Lab ("Futuristic Brilliant Interaction Laboratory"). She is a leading proponent for the integration of art and technology in Taiwan.

Dr. Che-Rung Lee received his bachelor and master degrees from National Tsing Hua University in 1996 and 2000 respectively, and his Ph.D. degree from University of Maryland, College Park in 2006. He worked as a post-doctorial researcher in UC Davis during 2007-2008, and joined the Department of Computer Science in National Tsing Hua University as an assistant professor in 2008, and an associate professor in 2013. The research focus of Dr. Lee includes numerical methods, cloud computing, high-performance computing, and heterogeneous computing. During 2012 to 2016, Dr. Lee received the GPU Center of Excellence (GCOE) award from NVIDIA. He is/was also PI or Co-PI of many MOST projects.
Chung-Lin Chen is a Professor of Law and the Director of the Institute of Law for Science and Technology at National Tsing Hua University. He specializes in constitutional law, biomedical law, and environmental law. His research pays particular attention to the normative and institutional roles of constitutional rights and judicial review in addressing emerging issues of technology development, and has led to many publications on the topics of, for example, research regulation, biobank governance, and environmental impact assessment law. In terms of specific rights, he has long devoted his effort to the study of free speech and privacy, which both are major subjects of human rights issues of artificial intelligence.

Dr. Su-Yen Chen is Professor and Chair of Institute of Learning Sciences and Technologies at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), Taiwan. She is the Chief Investigator of a three-year five-project Digital Humanities Research team, sponsored by MOST, and Principal Investigator for numerous MOST projects related to New Literacy and College Student Learning Experience. She has published 14 SSCI articles since 2007. She also served as the director of Center for Teaching and Learning Development at NTHU, managing director for Hou-de of Tsing Hua College, and Chairman of Taiwan Reading Association.
Eric S. Lin is Professor at the Department of Economics, National Tsing Hua University since August 2013. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from University of Texas at Austin in 2004. He is currently the Director of Center for Learning Assessment Service, National Tsing Hua University, and the Joint-Appointed Professor, Center for Teacher Education, National Tsing Hua University, and the Adjunct Research Fellow, Research Center of Public Economics, College of Social Sciences, National Taiwan University. He has studied various labor market, education issues and related econometrics techniques, including elapsed time to a doctoral degree, Ph.D. career job choices, gender wage differentials, decomposition analysis, fertility forecasting, education attainment of immigrants, and finite-sample refinement in non-linear GMM with unknown heteroskedasticity. Among others, Eric has published in Econometric Reviews, Southern Economic Journal, Economics of Education Review, Higher Education, Children and Youth Services Review, Demographic Research, Journal of Forecasting, Economics Letters, Research Policy, Journal of Peace Research, and Defence and Peace Economics.

Szu-Ting CHEN is a Professor and the Director of the Graduate Institute of Philosophy at the National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), whose main research specialties include the philosophical analyses on causation and explanation, the objectivity and reality of economic theory, and the theoretical presumption of the concept of social mechanism. Professor Chen is also the convener of the Center for Philosophy in Practice, whose objective is to promote and conduct the practice-based philosophical approach in methodological, ontological, ethical/normative meta-analyses on domain knowledge of various disciplines. Professor Chen joined the Higher Education Sprout Project of the Brain Research Center at the NTHU in 2018 as a co-principal investigator. Concurrently, Professor Chen embarked on research on AI-related issues at which he was invited to be a co-convener, for the project of “Say Hi to AI” sponsored by the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, Ministry of Science and Technology.
Chi-Chiu Chiu is an associate professor in the Graduate Institute of Philosophy and also affiliates with the Center for General Education at National Tsing Hua University. He received his Ph.D. in philosophy from the State University of New York at Buffalo. His primary interests are in epistemology and American philosophy. He also has interests in philosophy of mind and language. From 2017 on he has joined, as an area editor, a long-term project for construction of Mandarin Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Currently he is working on, among others, a Chinese translation and commentary on Wilfrid Sellars’ most famous work, “Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind”.